Panfu Wiki
Panfu Wiki

Tree-house is a room and the home of the pandas in Panfu. Each panda has their own tree-house, and can decorate them as they wish.


  • On November 1, 2007, only the default tree-house was available to pandas, and showed a popup upon clicking the tree-house catalogue saying they would be coming soon.[1]
  • On January 11, 2008, the tree-houses were made temporarily unavailable as they were working on adding the new tree-houses.[2]
  • The old default tree-house was poorly drawn over to remove furniture originally present in the tree-house design, using a more orange color than the original.
  • On April 6, 2011, the tree-house changed design to a larger, brighter version.



Default tree-house[]

March 2008[]

Added as part of the New Treehouses catalogue.

February 9, 2009[]

August 17, 2009[]

February 18, 2010[]


April 8, 2011[]

June 29, 2011[]

June 12, 2012[]

February 4, 2014[]

March 4, 2014[]

July 1, 2014[]



  1. Line 138 in com.pandaland.mvc.view.hpanel.DefaulthomeEditPanel:
    this.openPopup("Haus Erweiterungen","Zur Zeit ist nur dieses Haus verfügbar. Bald findest du hier viele weitere Häuser für Deinen Panda!");
    Translated: Only this house is currently available. Soon you will find many more houses for your panda here!